Gilded Age & Social Prestige
Founded by nine men in 1877, each adamantly decreeing a prohibition on firearms and intoxicants within the premises, the El Paso Club has steadily and sensibly expanded its total membership current count of 300 inclusive of all membership categories. During its formative years, particularly between 1890 and 1900, an era marked by prosperity for the nearby mining community of Cripple Creek, the El Paso Club flourished as the primary meeting venue for the newly affluent millionaires. These individuals, reminiscent of the high society of London, indulged in lavish spending and extravagant entertainment, contributing significantly to Colorado Springs earning the moniker "Little London."

Historical Foundation
Established on October 23, 1877, the El Paso Club proudly holds the distinction of being regarded as the second oldest private men’s only club west of Chicago. Originally constructed in 1883 as the personal residence of Professor James H. Kerr of Colorado College, the club's current building replaced Major Wagner's cottage, the initial structure on the property dating back to 1875. In 1890, the El Paso Club acquired this residence, which has been its esteemed headquarters ever since.

into Elegance
As time progressed, the El Paso Club evolved from the spirited days of its founding members into the refined downtown club of contemporary Colorado Springs. While subtle changes have occurred in the physical structure of the historic building on the corner of Platte and Tejon streets, the club remains a custodian of tradition and camaraderie. The present-day members, spanning generations, cherish and uphold the enduring legacy of this distinguished establishment.